Thursday, September 29, 2016

to shura of saudia

there is a  problem with the princess of saudia
she wasnot  with her husbans is upposed
if she wanted  to kissher legs it is possinble that she wanbted  a sex with him
to the next time
if inthenext time a wife or v irgin will receive the stanger  woith out fathe ror 
the  husaband     she will left her head
hiome ini
 the shura sh ou ld
a in thenext  time get a vir  ginof f or womna who doenot li ve with her husband
b thec  ontorolof the prpert y of saudi a to shura

 this is property of the ki ndgom
the reli g iounis sha ria
pleas e c heck the possib ility to  get the  b elov ed   girl( viergin ) for me

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