Saturday, September 30, 2017

fairy tales of onkolog

the situation is follows
lange the desiase of blood

any deciase arises as beginning in the blood or organs to b lood
when wh cut the organoff the blood ids still here
then you make  the others procedures the aidas blood killers
we try to belief that wecould that we  push this away
so that is not true since if you want to cut off the cancer cells you do this for alittle duration of time
the  countis still works indeed
we can pray just to the heaven to open divine grace in full

the scheme shown by rinak achurinand leo bockeria

the menisk (football)influence all clues of the corp
them the axil tooo one onto another  this cancer'sc lue 
for defenite
axil -cancer clue -trigger of  menist -bad clues

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