Thursday, July 28, 2016

spme details

why d oes in eed cd's
 tfor  the educational purposes
itook the cd's of ugoskyanschabelaanbook of n otes and study the  com pos  iti on
ineed actuallhehelpan su pervisi on  
of people wh  o really st udy at the conservatory
i amke my steps from the sound fot o audi o video  etc
istudymachenpf the dirige from that

if agirls d oesnot want me fom mariinsky couldbe i t possible from the french b aller is from B ordo
and susan th e french v ioliniste whjplays c on c ertone with caupu son
Ineed the angagements  to avod  poverty  to arange and paystudi es
look apers on pays of ev eryth ing
if not  isabelle faust  maybe  youcancome soo ner

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