Monday, August 29, 2016

to sa ve harrisoncorp

sherry harrson should  c ut off for  30 percent the mo ney that  our govt spends on people

let the market work
not to b reakthr ough  the  frameworko f b udget
 there is aneedto check
apers on  who can work or not after c hecking 
 by a d oc  tor
  aperson who can workat work place
aperson who c an work at university
aperson who  can work at home
yapoalim w ill   in vest in workers
and thegovt will givit preferenc es
individual deal

 - our g  ovt sh ould spend  m oney for  people who cannot work  only
the less our govt pay is the better
we cannot eat the eat of thene   x t generations-netaniuahu

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