Monday, August 29, 2016

to sve the harri sson corp

please   send to each account that has aproblem
a loan
beneath 2/3 of the sumof the     salary  the warning
and le t yarrozelikhand gerv itz or auditors checked by him  to  w ork aginst minus  in the account

exa mple
 if you pay  for   the eat or the  simp lyand   wear that isnot from kutiur 
the bank can give aloan

ther is  50 dolls

exam ple  ytzhak's   10  doll
shuli's   20  doll

to tal paid 30 dollinstead of 50
if you pays more nithak's    you payle ss at shuli's

pleasedonot brea kup the frmew irkof personal budget
please   includein the  p rice of goods the price of  the  ga  zol ineabd    car
 becuse it is worth not touse them  and  pay      more
in thel ocal st rote
thi s wi llbe lessin a far st ore

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