Wednesday, July 26, 2017

the  teacher on the interjunction
his  aim

either to give the knowledge
or to get the money aand thrown person upa as inisrael

first of all we need
a to dedicate the  hpour after the studies in the lower classes to repeart the
knowledge and to give more hours than in  the elderones
this accordinof the  experience of efim dvoskin

then we gradually teach achild
a -how to work
in class or in the house
b- how to acquire knowledge
to  need acquired

the exerptionin the room is the peopel who want s to play in the beginnning of the day
the teacher in israel gives him pill named retalin
we need just instead to get them the classeds after they stop play theball
thus we can make the knolefge to a special schools like the balley one of children
or sport club like boka huniors
the lack of theknowledge make garrinca to dided early(socrates)
wenedd to taech a person hiw to work with the book alone
unfortunately  i shall sduy this 9i hope soon
more than that
the teacher need
to write this

the main topic
the skils (ina simple way )
if this is the high math in the beginning the simpl (low math )to repeat
the skeals to repeat in hight math
weneed thave the books in the library

more than that
 we needd to allow to answer the questins or study in the reception hours
the  problemor the subjet

that wewrnot in the haifauniv anin lee i
the money is paid isnot that ?
and the soviet govt paid the money too

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