Thursday, June 8, 2017

to krupp

krupp can estabish krup's works

where can be
some facilities in krupp's group

the store
the cafe
the bus stop to home
the krupp 's
the united project
the group of the krpups workers who can so aprticular

2 variants
the group of workers made

the group who implemented them
group that check the ,achinery
before the shipment of product

the krupp groups can include fowark to grow vedgebaels by workers who are
nearly could pass the  border of the sickness
the folwark will make their life
less damaged

when the  we need to iinto the trend and how
do not buy the  fullpackage of the orfer -project -
but buy the small package
then che ck the matter inside
then mak your  decision
if the trendis against us /for us
we need to sell alittle portion of stock 
the same if they make bad products 
and see what after will be
so we sell a litlle
se to the trand
]if the trend is stil  to sell by short sellings
if trendis up a little but wait and do not sell ]
if the trndis up we shal buy
but we can make our  portionin stocks not oly by buyin the ones
but reform in the company
that give s the postive results

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