Monday, June 5, 2017

who is riabushinsky
on e of the best top managers
owner of the many holdings

He need to sell out 48 percent of the any stock to any company and workings
donot put all eggs in one basket
that means th he need to sell this to the
- other tyoons
- workings
any portfolio investor aperson who pays for the stockings

he need to teach the board of the holdings (who sent directors to the board for directors to gether or by one )

1- all the questions is decided
by mediator
by court
by bord of holdings
by the board of the  directors
by the some steps

riabushnski need to watch after the managers down
and the workers

it is importnat to r to speak simply as the simpya ivan can inderstand
tech the ivan who holds the stockings hte basis of ecoonomics
eg if ivan wil understand that  when he diecide the questions without the strike
there can be still makets(the place to sell the work ) and the conseuences
(nowork john fromenglang will catch this work and market )

r even need to tell no strike = 1 day inot yur pocket
nostrile there can b e orders and money eg from the same source

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