Wednesday, October 25, 2017

1- to the  proud american 's people

he -especially has the another colour of the skin - need the
situation which demand form the young students form the same skin (tooking apenny nomore )
to teach one subject  or more for the college after the work (even after the work )
to get the matriculation test thus improving your chances
to find the better positionand

matriculation test -course - position

or if you need -new course -new position
this you need to get  with the deal with you and the massa  via the priest
or the matriculation
less courses for one take
take it is
everything gonna be ok(rais)
we can devide subjects and any person can receive the matriculation
via the computer and to make the extern people to exam
or 1 course personally
when we can receive the courses or the 1 st grade at least
sephardic people (lechem the israelifilm or salekh shabeti -people who was perished and listen the words that donot like by the sephardic verymuch
can go up according social lift to the educatin
the poor askhenazik who havethe brain and doesnot have themoney too
dear  sephardic billionares
you can accept on the draft the sephardic peopel whoneeds by your factory (possbly)
and give saalry in the need just anbout the basic one

more than that let give to the person the right

matruculation -courses  for ever
there can be matriculation for any time

the course or te university this is the question of the  programm
the matriculation
the busness said you cann ot work since your matriculation is -that possible
or diploma
thatis the same

so we can restudy all thatis the demands of busness or university

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