Wednesday, October 25, 2017

1- it is possible that  blood form the liver kidney
stomach including all details
come form the orgnorto the organ and thebad blood vice versa

what  chemical pills that make to see the blood easily
it can be the mixture
like  barii

2- when you make the operation with bank
withthe clerk and without him

the card (atm )-computer
the robot for credit ad money
is the tomputer (the formula is other true
see the formulas in the  online bank

pleas inreal time check it and check it inreal time

dear lords and hommons
if you will do to the cash of the  clynics (the best )we could to buy the
everything that need by hospital but he whobuys need to gie the openbridge to check him and him envoronmnt -people are dying

we need  be in a hurry totry tosave the people

any procedure is a pill
* we canopen te expensive procedures to the  poor
thus he whom will came via the inmatrial globe
and save (give to this who did this )
te world 's ruling law the measure like ingrain therebe like measure
for the good or for the worst

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