Monday, October 23, 2017

 моего сочиеньица
в король лир шекспира
то чтоя дал т

1-я шут значит я могу на публике чуток смеятья над совим королем но фактически я пытаюсь остановить короляот ошибок

то что говорит шут я - нуль без цифры
эт  о предупрежделение королю
здесь ты уже разделил королевство
тебе здесь делатьнечего спасайся
одежда  полунища ядаже оружия нет
шу4т в конце истории -подлиной погибает как икент
какие жесты могут показать любовь шута к корлю

at the outset i see the king wearing the (like king arthur -merlo mort d' arthur ) in the wearings of the very rich person who has knights and damas
when the king decide toretired - king retired it is  nonsesne -
either king is explore his land (machiavelli il principe )or he need s to sustain the kngdom as it is
so te king lear in some sene is the repetion of the rich arthur

whyen the lear decided to divide the kingdom he provoke the civil war like in spagnia
this is why i ask cthalonians baskognians and spaias to think carefully and try to divide   the country into counter federation(if you divivev )- vjdel of european union

otherwise spgnia will wear out the rest of countries
when he provokes the war he lost the kingdom and knight because the became the satellies of anew people
the king is clochare
jester and kent is too
even the mort of arthur and division of his kingdom
(ineed to have the complete books original
the book-keys or dictionary of the world which introduce both texts
was the result of that king was not ready for the day which the  enemy come in

even the exalibor does not know s the england that (or spain ) was divided and invented invasion
englang form the normans

wenedd to stop bloodsheet that upcoming inthe spagnia
the situation with the civil war may come once again
think of that

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