Monday, October 23, 2017

dear  shekh salekh

dear avigdor liberman

1- weneed (the arab will pay more if
there can be not the mixture  inside the clasees
girlas or boys

the one girlin one sit

the teacher fro girl girls
boys boys

the ultraorthodox is the same
and peple (1 year  matruiculation for my program 12345 the mathon the levels )

ihope that works in nazrat should be the same
they will pay the taxes (may less but they do )
this is the fruits of peace (shetok uad rbin)

the laws
1- 4 years of voluntaty service to raise the kindergarden and the facilities of the kafr
2- the ep of the studies
the laws

there is 2 m between  2 desks
1 men or woman in the desk

just woman and just man
we can invite the settelrs (as the card for  the my freedom )
the settelers who can under the control of the israeli officer in plo to work
woman withwoman (girls0
man with man (the boys )

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