Friday, September 1, 2017

from katrin keen
russia from today will open the game on maps
the north 2017
this not to attqack but to defend the country
the game of the tank will following
the game on themap
the y will keep 2 jets
1 figher s 31
one whoget the bombs

and the small marine fighter one submarine and peter the grreat
the concept is  defnder not attack
the  russians do knot know how to behave  different  parts of vermacht
they know alittle frompodolsk archive

 putin told that the commanders hasto sudy how their  unit atttck or defend with the vermacht and  special vermacht units
they nedd to play in thew
cards updateintthe cards
they shall make theline and stop begore that

the motor is with the gas inside
now they put the map to their place inthe counterintelligenceand inteligence inside

donot belive to the intellingence

this is aprt of the plot of russians
what romodanovsky from  the boder  unit  make
he doesnot give the batle eat to the soldiers

the battleat as i studied from him should be returned anfter the patrol and put into eat with the standard of battle eat
thre is anee to  put the  means for akm down the  speacial means in pants
each  means of rifle akm is  acted
if  threre is a  small event  the cause of pif-paf should be invisigated

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