Wednesday, September 20, 2017

dear fondations

i want the archives dagerrotyopes even the charges to study how to play or machen adan properly

you see my works
i shallchange the  my attention to ballet

on the whole and the giselle

if isee the foto of svetlanov etc +archive thecopy
i want to study how to machen according to svetlanov and his conceprions

putinuvv quick
check the book by voibane to study how to vobane made what he made

and how hide a soldier

the foundations
you can check
ineither download nor upload
iwant to receive the content just for my self
iam read to give back to check mycontent

russian commetyof the foundations and holders of coopyrights helpme

ineed the teachers to fulfill by smallsteps the knowledge
youknow what i need more
if you go to the desert the uniform has to be the colour of uniform
then we receiveless the cargo 200
and the tanks can be  wear  the  somebody that xcover them

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