Thursday, October 19, 2017

to the saudians
you know you are thieth - ge sword and put the fingers etc eventuallu into the stake
that is the time to buy the genuine windows come to the people wo make the programs or music to pay the y with the discount

when the israelies (miccrosof t against the pirates   get your computer back search for the person ip
who play with the options bitcoins

you neeed tocheck this
microsoft (ag pirates ) can expect computers  and find who downloads and seeds the sof t and music
it is possible that
the dowloads willnot theperson who usie the computer now
you check everything so iwas forced to work here
i do not lie
they have the right to send the update (according microsoft will ) to close the computer or to trce the one
in any case i understand that sice my rp brother made downloads i can sit in the jail
the update here is automatic
if the widow s is yous but content is not  there can be redirection to the dg page

to warn to downloaders
and ask to close the pc via microsoft or internet server by the order of the court
or to pay pay the fine
possible to sit less in jail or may come into the  another decision
he who download and donot upload or download after warn according to the israeli precedent (they do not sell as the product ) 
and be fre but others are  need togo to jail

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