Saturday, October 1, 2016

                              to   in t  rreos
    v aldimi r   po tanin
 urgen tl y
   t hemodel  of  orches tra 
as    the   businedss
   a-proficit  orch   tra   wo rks  and   b rin g the f ruits   bu  selln g it s p roducts
this is dependent form    eachmember of orchestra and amnagement 
themamgement  can  sell    othtemember of orchesta  constant  / not constant
b oon ds
if n ot    the orc hestra ca n hire external auditor for one or   many  c ass  or for the permanent posit ion
if not go to the bank a
abnk will change the sit uation
get the money in to b an k's hands and be the cisi manger an d teller
people who want to get money should explain why does they want  to get  themoney
and assure-reje ct the pr oposal

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