Wednesday, July 19, 2017

to liberman
the israel has a prestige that sums for prestige of people and busieneses inside the country

we neddf to ask the artists and torists to put the prestife par avance

we nedd to check every  businesman agency  and the good sales in th the

we need to adjunct the producer int hte cummingcenter
otherwise somebody can reeestate the goods the producer's business insind the country that is adjunct to  tiartist or businesmne
we cannot publish this  in the  news but we can to convey this one another
if the aretist will sell the goods the y can be ree stimate and  the person who  selll the one in russiia can be dead
this si sis not our interest
we can estimante (after course ) the   busismenn abroad
this course is doun by fir m zvi magen and sons

what the artist nedd in israel

find the halllwhich can be  suitable for the artist
to agree on the tickett's value
to agree on logistics
if there is no peoplein the hall(less people)
to decide whether tocame or not
if so move the show
this can be in anew agreements
(tomove the location)
to receive the money
tochechk whether the artist pay to one sides or more and pay with the  discount if possible
we need internet -site which describe the aviability and  what can the person
do in the sphere of art   for the substitute with the estimationfor example
bahemth you  viola
leitunnng violin as a substitte (less )

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