Monday, July 10, 2017

the detail  of  the pascage  deal if  a person speaks uout  his /her own will to work is
to study we pay the pension cash as is
to speak out  is  to work or t study at the university or acadenic courses
or courses for workers ]

b- pascage dal

the person is alowwed to have the special agent to finfd himwork at the net and twoworks after he graduate form course
if fired
the agent give him tesests as pilat and sometimes find him the position after the course
важно  постепенный обмен между давлением и т емпературой
нужно 2  бака для фреона
и2 для гелия
вкачивать закачивать

a lunga

a shorter a lunger a shorter
alunga a shorter a lunga
a shorter a lunga
alunga a shorter

cross out the  error
it could be told that the enf go grdually vague

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