Thursday, July 20, 2017

from knesset and duma
each electronic system had recording and redirection to terabytes
shabaqand fsb listening to  tthe speeches
and analyze even theintonations

this demand terabytes in the  computer of the body bu this is simple
sensoe mices are sused
the  important
the recording companies go court and fienf the tablet to  find the
outlawed dowdloading
stop it now

according the new paper israe;i army ahabaq masas and the
ministry of the security bought licences
feor the computer to be made in isael and intro windows and progs just in the aman  part
the licenced are legal but no name
this is demand form the israeli side
the computer connot  produce result to the printer built in
and no disc there
there just internal disc to work
wht does we really have

chipset 0 word - libraries to chipset -  the element of windows - the  elements of prograams
does this can be changed to direct to  widows programs
noone know
and the code is not open

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