Tuesday, July 4, 2017

ifyou have a person  or  sombody who make those works
rent a car 
rent a flat as chaim  valeri 
inzefat or
special  management 
you can
a-pnina valeri (served inidf ) work for people inisareal speaking russian but haveno the job or represent russian s in zefat after  the check in my business 
centter cummings for russianjewry
in tel aviv
boris suvoriff

it is possible to rent a interpreter to ge the job to israel
each american israeli or french on go suvoroff he shall help
this is my joint venture
businesin liberman
if you know sombody who is fair
and point to the store which sales the genuine merchangaise go ctnter
the person whom i owmwe money to is liberman

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